Lifestyle Colosseum Dryback Block Art Tiles has 2.5mm thick 914mm by 457mm tiles that glue together forming a reliable and strong bond. Tiles join effectively, resulting in a sturdy, firm underfoot surface.
Colosseum Dryback from Lifestyle Floors is made for heavy residential use. The floor can withstand a lot of foot traffic.
The floor's thick 0.55mm wear layer adds strength and longevity, allowing the Colosseum Dryback series to weather years of heavy traffic while still looking beautiful and shiny.
The Dryback is a good noise-reducer. The floor has sound insulation, which means that footsteps and other sounds that come into touch with the floor are considerably decreased.
Book a fitting service for your Lifestyle Colosseum Dryback Block Art Tiles Luxury Vinyl Flooring, 457x2.5x914mm (Greater London Area only). Unfinished products might need additional sanding and sealing.
Our final quotes come with Materials & Labour Service Guarantee and optional no obligation free site visit. All areas below 20 sqm are subject to a minimum charge.
For more information please call our Floor Fitting Experts on 020 88309782.