Polyflor Camaro Loc Classic Yorkstone Vinyl Flooring, 298x4x603mm is a luxury vinyl tile flooring, suitable for all home interiors and light commercial areas. Replicating the natural beauty of wood and stone Camaro Loc, each tile has a micro bevelled edge, designed for easy installation.
Classic Yorkstone is a modern light-toned design that is a perfect combination for any interior. Unlike real wood, this luxury vinyl flooring is highly water-resistant, which makes it ideal for your bathroom and kitchen.
The floor's 0.3 mm wear layer makes it a robust floor for everyday living, in both residential and commercial settings. This floor can handle the stress of heavy footsteps and large foot traffic with utmost strength.
- BRE Global Generic A+ rated product in major use areas
- Featuring a polyurethane coating to reduce maintenance costs
- Indoor Air Comfort Gold- Very low VOC
- Contains an average of 40% recycled content
- Vinyl Loc Underlay to be used when installing Camaro Loc
Pack content: 11 pieces
Box size: 1.98m²
Book a fitting service for your Polyflor Camaro Loc Isla Concrete Vinyl Flooring, 298x4x603mm (Greater London Area only). Unfinished products might need additional sanding and sealing.
Our final quotes come with Materials & Labour Service Guarantee and optional no obligation free site visit. All areas below 20 sqm are subject to a minimum charge.
For more information please call our Floor Fitting Experts on 020 88309782.