Quick-Step Creo Tennessee Oak Natural can be quite functional, beautiful and of good quality.
Picking grey tones for flooring from Quick-Step you may then match it with trendy colours and warm tones.
The grooves across the planks add this much extra identity to any room like extra depth.
The top sealant is made of extremely durable material to withstand unexpected drops of heavy objects.
Laminate is very marketable as the design layer can represent wood which is normally too fragile to use as flooring for everyday use.
Glueing down your laminate will void your warranty but it might improve your sound insulation and particularly the reflection sound.
If your asthma is giving you a hard time know that choosing a Quick-Step laminate guarantees you a closed surface structure which would not let the building upon any unwanted residue.
Book a fitting service for your QuickStep Creo Tennessee Oak Natural Laminate Flooring, 7mm (Greater London Area only). Unfinished products might need additional sanding and sealing.
Our final quotes come with Materials & Labour Service Guarantee and optional no obligation free site visit. All areas below 20 sqm are subject to a minimum charge.
For more information please call our Floor Fitting Experts on 020 88309782.