Tradition Putnam Engineered Oak Parquet Flooring, Natural, Antique Distressed, 1900x15/4x190mm has a very hard-wearing surface.
The long list of colours and shades can create a warm and comfy atmosphere in your home.
The Natural, Antique, Distressed grade have unlimited knots in the planks and make it to look very antique and classy.
Tradition Engineered Flooring comes with many years guarantee, meaning that your floor will look beautiful for years.
Book a fitting service for your Tradition Putnam Engineered Oak Parquet Flooring, Natural, Antique Distressed, 190x15x1900mm (Greater London Area only). Unfinished products might need additional sanding and sealing.
Our final quotes come with Materials & Labour Service Guarantee and optional no obligation free site visit. All areas below 20 sqm are subject to a minimum charge.
For more information please call our Floor Fitting Experts on 020 88309782.